Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Know It Is Tuesday Yet Where Did The Weekend Go

Beautiful days out there somewhere , actually right outside the door
It was a few days of picking out threads , some of my threads are small and on top of that I baste things !!! Then the delightful job of putting everything back hopefully the way they were !
I am talking about the readjustment of Grandmother's Legacy sleeve for AQS Paducah Show , I also hope to never do that again !!!
This week is continuing the threadwork on The Quilt With No Name . I am at a very important part so I am doing it slowly , the blue sky . Decided to use Superior Threads Bottom Line a light blue on bottom and top looks alright so far ...
The yellowish cloud I did the same sort of line sewing using Superior Threads Bottom Line . Heather helped me choose and she picked out the thread that I am using in the quilt . Heather also was the one that told me to try Bottom of the Line on the top and bottom

There used to be a store in my home town that was called Dreamweaver
this store was wonderful . The owners of Dreamweaver are now on line and I have asked them if I may advertise my Goddess series and possibly my Art Quilts and they have agreed . So that means that I am about to tell their story to the world... kind of cool . The excuses I can come up with to not to write the stories ... oh yeah I am good at that . I do not notice a dirty floor until the day I have set aside to work on the epic sagas or oh I should ...
The commission piece I have been working on forever . It is the one that I always put aside so that I can use the table space for a much better reason , so this watercolour has been set aside alot .Well , I have news that it is actually looking good , I am pleased . They might receive their painting yet !

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